Why do singers need an earpiece in their ears on stage?

If you look closely at the stars’ performances, you may notice a small device in your ear on one or both sides. This begs the question, why does a singer need an earpiece in his ear on stage? What is he hearing at that moment through a special audio channel? Is it the lyrics of the song that he might forget? Actually, there are several reasons and they are different.

During a performance, it’s not easy to pick up the rhythm of music that sounds slightly different on stage. In fact, the singer at the concert is surrounded by intense noise that bears little resemblance to the music the audience hears. You have to use special devices to hear yourself and the melody. This is the main reason why singers need headphones in their ears on stage. For beginners it is important not to get confused and not to forget the lyrics in a stressful situation, in which case also help a miniature audio device.


Imagine you are standing on a stage. There are a lot of speakers set up with a complex speaker system facing the audience. You hear only a very loud and booming noise, which is combined with the noise of a huge number of spectators. Powerful lighting fixtures are shining on you. In such a situation, the singer does not hear the melody or his own voice, does not hit the rhythm and notes, and begins to falsify harshly. Fastest payout online casinos in NZ are here.

The device muffles the surrounding noise and broadcasts the melody with or without the vocal on its own channel. Mandatory condition – the music must match to a fraction of a second what is coming from the speakers to the viewer. Also into the singer’s monitors comes the sound from his microphone, that is his own voice at that second. So the star determines how well he sings the song, if he hits the notes, and estimates the volume.

Personal monitoring is not only used among singers, instrumentalists use earphones in the ear to play their part in the overall composition. The drummer hears the rhythm and the guitarist hears his music. Personal monitoring is necessary only at large concerts, when electronic music is used, complex and powerful acoustic system.

Sometimes singers have to settle for a less expensive option – an in-ear earpiece with a dynamic driver. This is how all the standard devices that go with a smartphone are set up. In this case, the size and shape of the monitors is limited because the round dynamic radiator is larger than the armature-shaped block. Therefore, the design is standard. Dynamic headphones also lag behind in sound quality. It will not have that clarity, accurate transmission, and all the sonic nuances and semitones.


The earpiece in a singer’s ear is an important professional tool. A lot can depend on its quality. That is why often the ear cushions and body of the device are made individually according to the mold of the ear. Such monitors are called custom and are very expensive. But the result will be a reliable fit in the ear and comfort for many hours of wear. The singer can also order a special design that will match his image on stage. For example, Japanese idols always use very bright and unusually shaped audio accessories.$5 minimum deposit casino s in Canada are here.

In addition to design and appearance, proper tuning is important. Experienced artists only use minus, when the “ears” play a melody without vocals, synchronized with the music in the speakers. This helps the singer sing to the beat of the tune. Sometimes only one small earpiece is even used. For the less experienced, you need to hear your own voice to control the quality and volume of the singing. And sometimes they additionally use a recording of the vocal to repeat it. You can tune the ear piece in your ear in such a way that there is a minus on one side and your own voice on the other.

In some urgent and force majeure situations monitors are used to warn the singer about something. For example, that the order of the songs would have to change.

It happens that the artist takes the device out of his ear in the middle of the concert. The reasons can be different:

He wants to hear the audience;

a malfunction has occurred and the earpiece isn’t transmitting as it should;
The performer’s ear is simply tired, because it is a serious experience to spend a few hours with earplugs in your ears.

It’s a risky endeavor, as the singer’s hearing aid is abruptly bombarded by intense noise, which can confuse him or her and sometimes even lead to temporary hearing problems.


Modern concerts for noisy audiences of many thousands of people are difficult to handle without personal monitoring equipment. Therefore, the earpiece in the singer’s ear helps to sing beautifully and in sync with the melody, to hit the beat of the music. And similar devices are now available for personal use, I have already told about such models more than once in my reviews.