The stories of successful business negotiations keep many examples of their competent and well-thought-out organization. Sometimes the key moment in making a fateful decision is not business arguments, but delicious cuisine and a cozy interior of the restaurant, where a potential partner was invited.
Business circles have long noticed that negotiations and business meetings are best carried out on neutral territory. And a restaurant does an excellent job if it is selected correctly.
What should be the establishment for a business meeting to be successful, and its outcome to meet the wildest expectations – we will figure it out together.
Key points of choosing a restaurant for negotiations
So, we have selected several points you should pay attention to when choosing a restaurant. Here they are.
Verified option
You should check a restaurant for a business meeting in advance.
In prestigious establishments, tables are booked in advance; therefore, in order not to find yourself “at a broken trough,” you will have to hurry up and make a reservation for a private office, VIP room, or a table in a good, secluded place in the common hall.
No exotic
You should choose a restaurant with classic cuisine – for example, European. No Asian and Mexican delights, hot sauces, and exotic dishes, especially if the preferences and tastes of the business partner are not known. In addition, unusual dishes will distract from the conversation, drawing attention to themselves.
The host chooses the restaurant. The menu is ordered by the one who is invited to the restaurant. He also pays the bill. There are only two exceptions:
- the corporate code prohibits holding a business meeting at someone else’s expense;
- there was a preliminary agreement that everyone pays for himself. This option occurs when partners are in equal business positions.
Impeccable service
If a reliable institution is chosen, then there should be no problems with the quality of service.
It is worth remembering that a courteous approach, politeness, and attention always make a good impression on guests and influence the outcome of business negotiations.
Quiet and solid
The atmosphere in the restaurant should correspond to the purpose of the visit – solid, calm, without the hustle and bustle and loud music. The surrounding audience should be decent, small, and not loud. It is ideal if the common room is correctly zoned and allows for privacy.

Guarded car park
The partner should be psychologically comfortable. Nothing should distract him from the main purpose of the meeting. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude all the risks associated with the safety of his car. And the guarded parking lot of the restaurant is the best guarantor of this.
Availability of Wi-Fi
It is difficult to imagine a modern businessperson not tied to Internet technologies. A stable signal and “flying” Internet are not a whim but a necessary condition for successful business meetings.
Timing for a meeting
According to the rules, business dinners – are held at 7 or 8 p.m. A business dinner should not drag on and turn into midnight.
Usually, business lunches and dinners last no more than two hours.
Three secrets of a good table
Suppose the restaurant does not have private offices and VIP rooms. In that case, choosing the right table in the common room becomes a key condition for the effectiveness of business negotiations at a business lunch or a business dinner.
Spacious table
Even if two people are involved in the negotiations, the table should be 4-seater, so that it can easily accommodate, in addition to plates, a laptop and paper.
Not on the move
It is better if the table is in the back of the hall, away from the front door, from the kitchen, and the service personnel’s main traffic flows.
Good lighting
The table’s location should have sufficient lighting so that you can read the documents and see the interlocutor well. A table by the window is the best option.
In our opinion, establishments with separate offices or small VIP rooms are best suited for business meetings; no one will interfere with your negotiations in such restaurants. We wish you more successful events! Good luck!