A Practical Guide to Organizing a Successful Professional Conference

Events are a good opportunity to achieve corporate goals and to highlight a topic to impress your audience. In addition, a number of steps must be taken to ensure that a conference is successful.

Why organize a conference?

Organizing a conference offers many benefits for both companies and their audience. Events of this type are, first of all, a privileged moment for professionals, speakers and participants to exchange views on a specific topic. It is also a good opportunity for companies to introduce themselves to their audience and present their portfolio of activities.

This meeting gives the public the opportunity to discover topics and knowledge that are not easily accessible to them. It also allows professionals to position themselves as experts in their field of activity, and therefore gain authority in the eyes of visitors, thereby strengthening their brand image.

This event is ideal for meeting people and is a good way to attract new clients, as well as new participants and partners.

How to organize a conference?

  • Define the conference purpose
  • Choose a topic
  • Build a team
  • Decide on the conference budget
  • Decide on the conference format
  • Set the guest list
  • Set the date
  • Decide on the conference duration
  • Book the conference venue
  • Find speakers
  • Select conference providers
  • Rent conference equipment
  • Write the agenda
  • Organize logistics
  • Promote the conference

To ensure that the event is consistent and relevant, companies must consider their macro environment throughout the entire organizing process.

1 – Define the conference purpose

First and foremost, it is important for companies to know why they want to organize a conference. Once this analysis is done, they can best adjust their communication strategy and logistical decisions related to their event.

A conference can be organized to:

  • Introduce a new product or service.
  • Address a hot topic.
  • Put information in the press.
  • Convey meaning.
  • Express new ideas.
  • Mobilize teams around a new strategy or innovative project.
  • Raise awareness among participants about the issue.

2 – Choose a Topic

After defining the purpose of the conference, the organizers must decide on the topic that will be covered at the event. When choosing a topic, it is necessary to take into account various elements: the purpose of the conference, the target audience, and the industry. In any case, the chosen topic should allow for a discussion of the problem that the participants are facing. Above all, it should be precise and understandable to the target audience. Choosing a topic that is of public interest is the key to the success of the conference.

3 – Create a Team

Organizing a conference is not only the responsibility of the organizer. Therefore, it is necessary to appoint a team that will be responsible for the various stages of organizing the event. This team should include subgroups, each of which will be responsible for planning, administration, marketing and sponsorship of the event, as well as volunteers to organize and manage the conference on the day.

4 – Determine the conference budget

The next step is to determine the budget that will be allocated for the conference. To do this, the organizers must define their needs and request quotes for the services they need. Indeed, such an event involves numerous costs:

  • Room rental.
  • Equipment rental.
  • Activities.
  • Speakers’ compensation.
  • Technical installation.
  • Renovation.
  • Transportation.
  • Accommodation.
  • Parking.

When determining the cost of the entire event, it is necessary to take into account all aspects of organizing the conference. Setting a general budget allows you to have an overview of the various cost items.

5 – Decide on the conference format

Choosing the conference format is a crucial step in organizing it. This can be done in different ways: in person, online, or in a hybrid format. It is also necessary to determine the speaking time of each speaker.

The conference format also depends on the participants and the focus of the event. A conference can take various forms: a classic conference, a short speech, a content conference, an immersive format with alternating audio and video, or even a question and answer format.

6 – Determine the guest list

The target audience is one of the elements to consider when organizing a conference. Companies must determine who they should invite to the event, the number of people they want to welcome, and most importantly, who the attendees are: customers, prospects, partners, experts or magazines.

The idea is not to invite everyone, but to select participants based on the topic of the conference. This will allow the business to have a clear idea of ​​the number of participants. Having defined the audience they want to attract with the conference, they should also make sure that the people invited are interested in the topic they will be discussing.

7 – Set the date

One of the most important steps in organizing a conference is choosing the date. In order to be able to accommodate the maximum number of participants for the event, organizers should set a date that suits the availability of all invitees. In this case, it is better to avoid organizing a conference during certain periods, such as school holidays, weekends, or public holidays. Organizers should also ensure that there are no other events taking place during the conference, such as sports events, festivals, or elections. Preferred days for holding a conference are weekdays, especially Thursdays and Fridays.

8 – Decide on the duration of the conference

Companies should also decide on the duration of the conference. The duration varies depending on the number of guests. The international standard for conferences with 250 to 300 participants is 2 full days.

9 – Book the Conference Venue

Next, organizers must find and book the perfect venue for the conference they are planning to hold. To do this, they must consider various criteria:

  • Size and layout of the venue.
  • Site location.
  • The atmosphere and character of the venue.
  • Accommodation.
  • Renovation.
  • Transportation.
  • Technical equipment.
  • Allocated budget.
  • Number of guests.

The choice of conference venue may also depend on the needs of the organizers. There are different categories of venues: universities, hotels, or independent venues.

10 – Find Speakers

Once you have found a conference room, it is time to contact speakers and other speakers to invite them to the event. This is where companies will introduce them to the topic and date of the conference. Organizers should list as many speakers as possible to anticipate possible cancellations or refusals.

11 – Select Conference Providers

To ensure that the conference runs smoothly, it is necessary to use external service providers. There are different types:

Catering companies for catering.

IT professionals and technicians for technical installation.

Florists and decorators for decoration.

Hosts and hostesses for reception.

12 – Conference Equipment Rental

Among the steps that need to be taken when organizing a conference, companies should check whether the chosen venue is fully or partially equipped in terms of lighting, furniture and audio-visual equipment. In the second scenario, they will have to turn to equipment rental companies, especially when the equipment needs are significant. These professionals are invaluable in helping organizers select the right equipment and set up the conference room.

13 – Write an Agenda

One of the final steps in organizing a conference is to develop a clear agenda. This involves outlining the flow of the event hour by hour. This program serves as the glue on the big day of the conference, as it ensures that the event runs smoothly and without any hitches.

14 – Organize logistics

Organizers should ensure that they have all the necessary equipment to run the conference smoothly, whether in person or online. If the conference is held online, the venue used should be demonstrated for ease of use on the day. Organizers should also arrange for catering and, if necessary, provide accommodation and parking.

15 – Promote the conference

Now that everything is in place, it is time to actively promote the conference. This can be done in a variety of ways: using social media and websites, publishing content on blogs or sending out invitations via email. On these media, companies should provide a minimum of information about the conference, namely the topic, format, date, speakers and program. Such an action will only arouse curiosity and attention of the public, making them want to participate.

Managing the conference on the big day

On the big day, all that remains is to do everything possible to make the conference run in the best conditions and become an unforgettable moment. To do this, organizers need to:

  • Create a briefing with speakers and service providers before the conference starts.
  • Check the technical equipment.
  • Welcome guests.
  • Introduce the conference and speakers.
  • Ensure the right time for interventions.
  • Facilitate conversations.
  • Interact with journalists.

On the day of the conference, it is also necessary to take photos or videos to immortalize the event.

After the conference

After the conference is over, communication should continue. After the event, companies will be required to do the following:

  • Email all speakers and guests to thank them for attending.
  • Share photos and videos from the conference on social media.
  • Send a satisfaction survey to attendees to find out their opinions about the event.
  • Write a report on the event.
  • Publish reviews.